NTRX is the professional and artistic project of Iván Fuentealba, chilean digital multimedia artist since year 2002.

Since 1999 programming websites, making digital animation, musical production, performances, digital graphic design, visual arts, multimedia interactives, art installations, animated visuals for live projections, participation in advertising campaigns, shortfilms, creating electronic music.

He was a member of the multidisciplinary team in the electronic music band Marciano, as a visualist, digital developer, also roadie. In 2004 he participated in the opening ceremony of the XLV version of Viña del Mar International Song Festival. The same year in Mutek international advanced electronic music festival, as an exhibitor of projected visuals for live shows.

In 2012 his work in 3D modeling-animation and VFX was exhibited at the renowned international art festival dOCUMENTA (13) in Kassel Germany. As a collaborator in different videos, shortfilms and micro films, which were exhibited within the framework of an art installation.

In 2013 he collaborated in the digitization of samples for hyper-realistic replicas of native trees, of the permanent exhibition in the La Campana National Park room, of the Natural History Museum of Valparaíso.

Between 2011-2016 the interactive educational project "Dendros, a journey through the brain" for the BNI Biomedical Neuroscience Institute, in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile, Millennium Scientific Initiative. Investigating the languages ​​of science-art-technology. Exhibited as an interactive installation at the Palacio La Moneda Cultural Center. Project that obtained in 2013 the National Prize for Innovation in Scientific Education granted by the Ciencia Joven Foundation together with Telefónica and El Mercurio.

In 2016 in the collaborative participation in avant-garde architecture project
"Cricket Shelter Modular Edible Insect Farm" in New York, for the Terreform ONE architecture office at NewLab Brooklyn.
Awarded by Architecture Master Prize, Architect Magazine, R+D awards, Wan Awards, among others. Exhibited at "Emergent Ecologies Art Exhibition", NYC Brooklyn.

His professional work has led him to explore for different cultural organizations, companies, corporations, educational institutions and direct work with artists from the cinematography, architecture, musicians and audiovisual. Creating interactive websites, multimedia presentations, education and training material, e-learning, portfolios, productions of audiovisual works, fondart projects.

His works in collaborations in the audiovisual area for Art and Design, have been exhibited in various museums, galleries, national and international festivals in countries such as: United States, Canada, Austria, India, Poland, Germany, China, Thailand, Brazil.

He has knowledge of object-oriented programming to add interactivity in his realizations. Front-end programming experience in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ActionScript. Management of Adobe CC suite softwares, such as: Photoshop, Premiere, After Effects, Animate - Flash, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Audition. Management of 3D modeling and animation software Autodesk Maya.